The new Gundam PS3 Game looks even more promising

wrote about it a couple weeks ago, and now, thanks to an extensive update of the official website, we know quite a lot more about Mobile Suit Gundam: Battlefield Record U.C.0081, the new PS3 Gundam game that will be released in Japan on September the 3rd.

While, for now, it's still under the radar of most western gamers, I'm hoping that Namco Bandai will announce a western release the game during their press conference at Gamescom, on the 19th. After all Gundam is a quite famous IP even in the US and in Europe, so I'm pretty confident that we'll see the game even here (or else...).

The game itself will feature more than 70 different Mobile Suits (Gundam's definition of a military robot, for the three gamers in the world that aren't familiar with the IP), more than 110 customization components and 80 different weapons, providing an almost unparalaleled depth.

One of the most interesting features that has just been fully unveiled, though, is the Team Control System, that will allow the player to customize and command not only his two companions on the battlefield, but also the other units around him.

Through a complex configuration screen named "Command palette" we will manage the battlefield instructions that we'll be able to issue, including formations, coordinated attacks (both ranged and melee), but also artillery strikes and airstrikes against the most resilient enemy targets. In total we'll be able to issue 34 different commands to our allies. I think such a level of complexity and depth is pretty much a first in a game of this kind.

Add to this the involving and realistic story, playable from both factions' point of view, the simulative gameplay and the lovely anime cutscenes, and you'll probably understand why I'm so excited about this title.

Now we can only wait and hope to hear some good news on the 19th. In the meanwhile my advice is to give the official website a good look. Even if it's in japanese, it's worth it.


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